There is hardly anyone who has not lost an object at some point. But some misconceptions lead us to dismiss the loss of objects as a minor mishap. In this article you will find the top 4 misconceptions about losing objects, along with some facts and figures.
Misconception 1: "I never lose anything."
Really? I bet you too will get distracted or just have a bad day. It is estimated that over 100 million items are lost in Germany every year. This includes not only umbrellas, but also purses, bicycles, laptops, suitcases or bags.
Misconception 2: "I only lose worthless things."
It may be that the lost biros is not invaluable. But what about the house key, the ID card or the mobile phone? Lost items can be expensive and time-consuming to replace or recover. A new car key can quickly cost several hundred euros, modern mobile phones much more.
Misconception 3: "I can buy whatever I've lost again".
Yes, everything can be replaced with money. But what about the memories or the time spent on the lost item? A lost camera can destroy holiday memories forever and a lost work document can cause extremely unpleasant consequences, even guilt.
Or what happens when the house key or cuddly bunny are gone?
Misconception 4: "I find lost things at the lost & found office."
Not necessarily. Many items are never handed in or end up in private hands. The sources are not well documented, but probably only about 20-30% of lost items are handed in to the lost property office. Ironically, the items turned in then often do not find their way back to their owner, but end up in auctions.
Losing items is annoying and can have unpleasant consequences. Any item, no matter how valuable or worthless, can be lost. Taking good precautions, such as making spare keys or creating backups, can help limit the damage. Modern technologies such as GPS trackers or our smart QR codes can also help to quickly find lost items. It is always better to be well prepared than to regret the loss afterwards.